Sustainability Communications Consultancy

Are you an organisation or business looking for high-quality sustainability communications or editorial consultancy? Do you need an impactful op-ed for your CEO to go in a key publication? Are you after an impactful communications campaign or persuasive publication? Do you want someone who can turn your activities into compelling stories that engage your audiences?

Are you seeking a communications consultant who understands key issues relating to the climate and biodiversity emergencies, sustainable finance, the clean energy transition, the pollution crisis, the shift to a circular economy, sustainable development challenges, UK government backtracking on net zero, global progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the systemic socioeconomic changes leading thinkers deem necessary for keeping our planet habitable? You’re in the right place. Find out more here.

What’s with the name?

It comes from a quote by the legendary astronomer Carl Sagan about a photo of Earth taken from a great distance:

“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.”

Yes, we’re living on ‘a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam’. For more, see below:

'The Pale Blue Dot' - this iconic photo of Earth was taken from a record distance of six billion kilometres.
The space probe Voyager 1 took it in 1990, just before it left the Solar System.
It was taken at the request of US's most famous astronomer, Carl Sagan.
Sagan wrote of the photo - 'Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us.'
That dot is home to every person
every creature
every tree
every blade of grass.
That dot is our only home.
We live on a speck in the vast emptiness of space.
We haven't developed the technology to relocate elsewhere.
And yet we treat that dot so carelessly.
We behave as if we had some place else to go.
And the people who did the least to cause the crisis are suffering most.
We need to find a better way of living.
We must upgrade our systems to protect people and the planet.
We need to cherish that dot.
That Dot is a written content consultancy for environmental brands - telling the stories that will change the world.
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Why are stories central to sustainability?

We’re messing up our beautiful world. The escalating climate crisis and soaring inequality seem to be hurtling us towards disaster. How do we pull ourselves back from the brink? Well, thanks to human ingenuity, many solutions do exist. In truth, we have the technology, knowhow and imagination to deal with the worst of the interlinked crises we face. But people can only embrace change if they can see how it helps create a better, greener and fairer future. Transformation is only possible if someone shows us what it looks like. And that’s why good stories are so important. They’re going to save the world.

 Want to get inspired?

When faced with the sheer enormity of the climate crisis, many people tend to shrug, look away and say, “Yeah, but what can I do?” Well, apart from simply talking about their concerns, writing to politicians or gluing themselves to their neighbour’s 4×4, they could also read up on it. Knowledge is power! Here are three book recommendations:

The Divide by Jason Hickel: To find out how we got here, read this. Honestly, it will really make you look at the world anew. And then follow it up with Hickel’s Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World.

Unbowed by Wangari Maathai: If you’re feeling helpless, seek inspiration from Wangari Maathai. A single mum of three, she won the Nobel Peace Prize for establishing the Green Belt Movement, which spread from Kenya right across Africa. It helps restore indigenous forests, while assisting rural women by paying them to plant trees in their villages.  If she could do that, you can eat a tofu burger.

Gaia by James Lovelock: Lovelock’s seminal work describes how Earth functions as a single living organism. All ecosystems and living beings on this planet exist in a complex web of interdependence – something most indigenous people have known all along. A must-read.